Jim and Brent Dehlsen formed Ecomerit in 2009 with Brent serving as CEO and Jim assisting with product innovation and system architecture. The father-son team have successfully designed and commercialized advanced wind turbines and developed wind power-generating projects since 1980. Their first renewable energy company, Zond Systems, developed three generations of commercially successful turbines up to the 1.5 MW size. Zond became the largest wind project developer and second largest wind turbine manufacturer by 2000 when the company was purchased by Enron Corporation. In 2002, GE acquired this technology and manufacturing capacity for their entry into the wind power industry and by year-end 2009, GE had the largest US market share with over 11,600 turbines deployed. Jim and Brent formed Clipper in 2001, and with DOE/NREL grant support, developed their fourth generation machine based on advanced drivetrain and controls technology, the 2.5 MW Liberty turbine. In 2010, the Dehlsens and other shareholders sold their interest in Clipper to United Technologies Corporation (UTC).