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The Aquantis technology is designed to harness energy from the continuous and powerful Gulf Stream current to provide reliable, base-load electric power generation from a heretofore, untapped, major regional source of renewable energy.

Aquantis deployment is initially aimed at the southeastern US coastline where the Gulf Stream is in close proximity to major load centers. The Aquantis project is a recipient of grant support from the DOE for advanced engineering, design, and testing. The State of Florida has also provided a grant for environmental studies.


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Ecomerit’s “Centipod” technology aims to lead the emerging wave energy industry with reliable and efficient systems for commercial electric power generation in high-wave energy resource areas around the world. Ecomerit initiated engineering activities on Centipod in 2009 in response to active interest by both the US and UK governments for technology development in marine hydrokinetic energy. The Centipod project has been selected by the DOE for grant support toward advanced system engineering.